Pulling Profits Out of a Hat
Book review and Investor offer.
Ideal for entrepreneurs, business owners, managers and those who want to get ahead.
Hey Guys,
As you may know, Brad is a mate of mine going way back, he's on the verge of launching a $1 million ad campaign to promote Pulling Profits Out of a Hat, and right now we need your help to generate pre-sales and excitement for our book.
We want to make it worth your while to get involved.
For every copy of the book that you BUY at $24.95 +postage, Brad will give away one lifetime membership to Profit Masters - All Access, which is valued at $997.
He's not going to offer this forever, so you must act now, as this offer will only be available until April 19, 2019.
Live with passion & Fun,
Brett & Brad
Buy Brad's Book,
"Pulling Profits Out of a Hat -
Adding Zeros to your Company Isn't Magic"
and get lifetime access to Profit Masters All-Access for FREE, a $997 Value
You will receive an email confirming your Profit Masters Login after purchase.
Listen to Brett and Brad discuss his new book, there are important business distinctions inside.
Here's What You Get with Your Profit Masters -
All Access Lifetime Membership
Over 77 Hours of video
Brad is a master presenter. This membership contains over 77 hours of video content with a collection of his live events: 6 Steps, BusinessRICH, MindRICH & SalesRICH plus his online trainings like the popular 11 Day Entrepreneur Series.
Over 19 Hours of audio
Brad's Master Mentor interviews with 15 industry experts is still one of his most popular audio series to date. Be x Do = Have, Action Speaks Louder than Words are just a few of the amazing audio trainings you can learn while on the go.
eBooks, Whitepapers
& Business Tools
We've included Brad's 21 Instant Series eBooks plus 10 ActionCOACH business strategy eBooks. Along with 6 business strategy white papers and 27 business document tools to assist any business owner in any industry.
That will jumpstart your earning potential:
Brad is a master presenter. This membership contains over 77 hours of video content with a collection of his live events: 6 Steps, BusinessRICH, MindRICH & SalesRICH plus his online trainings like the popular 11 Day Entrepreneur Series.
Short 5 minute videos:
Designed to be watched over the course of 12 weeks, these videos will jumpstart your days with a positive mindset to move your business to another level of success. Share these videos with your employees for team growth and engagement.
Billionaire in Training Membership
This online membership site contains over 77 hours of Brad's teaching in video format, over 19 hours of audio content, including Brad's Master Mentor interviews with 15 industry experts, and over 1,000 pages of eBook content.
and get lifetime access to Profit Masters All-Access for FREE, a $997 Value*
*Limited until 19th April 2019. You will receive an email confirming your Profit Masters Login after purchase.

To find out more about Business Coaching or Find a Coach - www.actioncoach.com
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