Video Transcription:
Hi, guys. Brett's property rant. I was just reading an article about the north-south divide in the UK, between the southern counties, London and the southern counties, and the northern counties. Just talking about how that's changing now. Now Wales actually kinda doesn't include it. That pattern is changing. I think, to be fair, we're gonna see a lot more of that. I'm saying right now, and I've been saying for the last couple of years, we've sort of backed away from selling in a lot of areas.
I just don't want to sell 'em 'cause I think long term we're not really gonna see the growth that you would expect from that property. What's happening is the fundamentals are moving into the cities, into the major cities. That's more where our investment focus is and that's where more your investment focus is, but what that means is that rather than being a north-south divide, I think what you're gonna start to see is... I think there will certainly be a north-south divide, but I think the other side of it is that there's going to be a cities and suburbs divide. If you're looking prediction-wise, give it, you know, maybe 10 years, 20 years, but certainly within a generation, I think we're gonna start to see the suburbs becoming quite desolate. It's almost like the Hollywood movies with the tumbleweed rolling down the town that used to have hundreds of people in it. I think that's gonna start to happen a lot more now.
What you're gonna find is your rents won't go up. Your capital values won't go up. That's going to be the initial phases of it. As it goes further and further on and it becomes less and less attractive an area, then what you're gonna see is actually it's gonna get harder and harder to rent your property out. It might still be fine for owner occupies, but actually, if you're gonna rent the property out, you've gotta be careful. That'll be the next stage of it. I really don't think you want to be involved in an area when that hits. Cities, what you're gonna see is more and more, they're gonna take over as the place to invest. All right, guys. Have a great day. Live with passion. See ya.