The future is bright in these areas mentioned
In the absence of knowing who to believe and who to trust, the best thing to do is don't believe anyone. Just go where the fundamentals are.
Let's have a look at Brett's rant today so wanted to change it up and I want to really get you and and this is the thing i'm going to show you London and I'm going to show you bits about London this is not about London, it is about London but it is about everywhere and it's about fundamentals. If you remember last week I talked about shops, schools, transport links, major employers, and major investment.
They're the things that you want to search for because that's in the areas that are going to rebound the quickest and in the absence of knowing who to believe and who to trust you know because most experts are wrong most of the time. Some are telling you it's going to go up, someone’s telling you it’s going to go down, some will tell you it's going to be the worst recession since the great depression, the worst in 300 years all this sort of stuff. That there's going to be a massive you know inflation comes kick in the tail. All this sort of you know statements who do you believe?
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It's a very different market in Scotland, it's a smaller market. There's some fundamental changes namely oil and gas with all the issues there and that I know Aberdeen and a few of those places house prices have dropped considerably. So, it depends on how that's reacted.
The best thing to do is don't believe anyone yeah don't believe anyone but go and where the fundamentals are. Let's have a look. I want to show you some stats. I was with BNP Paribas, my wealth managers. It was primarily for office and non-residential stuff. So it wasn't so much residential property in London it was all the major cities in Europe.
So if you have a look there is the interesting thing I thought here investing in prime city centre locations capital value, historical low volatility of capital, you know London is there Central London 10% volatility but it's the highest price but that doesn't matter it's one of the best markets. Interestingly on that slide if we zoom in you'll see central London is one of the most resilient markets and that is so true.
This is what you've got to realise this is the office space we're talking about here in particular right now on this slide not residential it’s the office space. Now a lot of people are saying well office space you know nothing's going to happen here, everyone's moving out to the suburbs, people are working from home, it's going to be tragic and to a degree it will be but and I'll talk next week my topic is on the future of buildings.
Because a lot of the buildings now, the old ones that are really inefficient and are not you know not easy they've got small lifts, they've got bad working spaces, bad ventilation they are going to struggle. But the future buildings, the buildings that are being built now like Google headquarters have a look at that and the technology they're putting it's a smart building, it's efficient it uses you know certain glass that bloody you know takes out the light and does all these sort of things. All these buildings, that's the future of where things are and those buildings will be fine. So really we're moving towards and at quite a rapid rate of knots to where we have a future that actually looks bright from a building perspective from a built environment as we say.
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So London is resilient. If you buy with the best fundamentals then you're guaranteed you're going to get growth. Now when will that growth happen it may not happen now it may drop but it'll come back the quickest. So if you're looking to buy and you don't know who to believe or you know which experts.
Are we going to massively drop the 300 year recession or are we going to go up? We're going to have a year you know slow down and then go up after that. If you don't believe then buy with the best fundamentals and buy with a strategy that meets the market and mitigates that risk.
Interestingly London too because a lot of these things with London people are talking about they're saying no London's had its day Canary Wharf look at it now there's no one there all this sort of stuff. Basically look this is London now and I want to show you this so if you think back the financial district used to be the city of London which is where that CBD is on the middle of the page and then basically over at Canary Wharf.
So those were the two if you like centres now Canary Wharf is still a financial centre it's still a massive centre and so is the city but now what we also have are these three hubs. We have one around Kings Cross and these are massive tech hubs because guess what right now London is the centre of the tech revolution in Europe and that's a big call to make but you know what it is a true call. More so than anywhere else we've got Kings Cross, we've got Farringdon which is in the middle there and then we've got pretty much what they called the Silicon roundabout which is the old street roundabout Shoreditch that area yeah amazing things happening there. And I just that's a sort of zoom in if you like and some of the other stuff this was again BNP Paribas the webinar that I was on you know it's the largest tech hub in Europe.
So anyone that's sitting there going ugh but financial or you know HSBC has moved their head office up to Birmingham, you know it's tragic for this, it's crap. London has just gone in its stride and gone bugger off up there. We'll find somebody else, we'll find a new tech and guess what financial services now are getting taken over by AI. It's getting taken over by tech and they are being ruled by the big seven companies.
I love it seven companies, you know Google, Facebook, Tencent, Alibaba, Amazon anyway the big guys because of the presence of data. Now big data is where it's at and guess what London is the centre of that so anyone that's saying London isn't it you know on your bike because you don't understand what is going on.
Guys the future's bright for London and this is the great thing. Go to Manchester have a look and guess what it is an amazing tech hub as well. Go to Birmingham, look what they're doing there you know amazing things. These are becoming modern cities.
Modern cities of the future you know they have visions they have you know look for what all London is it's very hard to change London because it has that character and it's you know hundreds of years old character and old buildings and things like that walk into some of those old buildings and what do you find you know you find gigabit you know internet all the way through, wireless you know even they've got thick you know cement walls and things like that you know they are modern day buildings of the future and becoming more so as they get renovated.
Above all will mean that that market increases and guess what Manchester, Birmingham to a lesser degree Liverpool. Liverpool's a bit of a different story. Liverpool is more like there's huge opportunity there and there still is huge opportunity and there will be a huge opportunity so anyone says oh no that's no good you know we can't do that.
Let's have a look at Brett's rant today so wanted to change it up and I want to really get you and and this is the thing i'm going to show you London and I'm going to show you bits about London this is not about London, it is about London but it is about everywhere and it's about fundamentals. If you remember last week I talked about shops, schools, transport links, major employers, and major investment. They're the things that you want to search for because that's in the areas that are going to rebound the quickest and in the absence of knowing who to believe and who to trust you know because most experts are wrong most of the time. Some are telling you it's going to go up, someone’s telling you it’s going to go down, some will tell you it's going to be the worst recession since the great depression, the worst in 300 years all this sort of stuff. That there's going to be a massive you know inflation comes kick in the tail. All this sort of you know statements who do you believe? The best thing to do is don't believe anyone yeah don't believe anyone but go and where the fundamentals are. Let's have a look. I want to show you some stats. I was with BNP Paribas, my wealth managers. It was primarily for office and non-residential stuff. So it wasn't so much residential property in London it was all the major cities in Europe. So if you have a look there is the interesting thing I thought here investing in prime city centre locations capital value, historical low volatility of capital, you know London is there Central London 10% volatility but it's the highest price but that doesn't matter it's one of the best markets. Interestingly on that slide if we zoom in you'll see central London is one of the most resilient markets and that is so true. This is what you've got to realise this is the office space we're talking about here in particular right now on this slide not residential it’s the office space. Now a lot of people are saying well office space you know nothing's going to happen here, everyone's moving out to the suburbs, people are working from home, it's going to be tragic and to a degree it will be but and I'll talk next week my topic is on the future of buildings. Because a lot of the buildings now, the old ones that are really inefficient and are not you know not easy they've got small lifts, they've got bad working spaces, bad ventilation they are going to struggle. But the future buildings, the buildings that are being built now like Google headquarters have a look at that and the technology they're putting it's a smart building, it's efficient it uses you know certain glass that bloody you know takes out the light and does all these sort of things. All these buildings, that's the future of where things are and those buildings will be fine. So really we're moving towards and at quite a rapid rate of knots to where we have a future that actually looks bright from a building perspective from a built environment as we say. So London is resilient. If you buy with the best fundamentals then you're guaranteed you're going to get growth. Now when will that growth happen it may not happen now it may drop but it'll come back the quickest. So if you're looking to buy and you don't know who to believe or you know which experts. Are we going to massively drop the 300 year recession or are we going to go up? We're going to have a year you know slow down and then go up after that. If you don't believe then buy with the best fundamentals and buy with a strategy that meets the market and mitigates that risk. Interestingly London too because a lot of these things with London people are talking about they're saying no London's had its day Canary Wharf look at it now there's no one there all this sort of stuff. Basically look this is London now and I want to show you this so if you think back the financial district used to be the city of London which is where that CBD is on the middle of the page and then basically over at Canary Wharf. So those were the two if you like centres now Canary Wharf is still a financial centre it's still a massive centre and so is the city but now what we also have are these three hubs. We have one around Kings Cross and these are massive tech hubs because guess what right now London is the centre of the tech revolution in Europe and that's a big call to make but you know what it is a true call. More so than anywhere else we've got Kings Cross, we've got Farringdon which is in the middle there and then we've got pretty much what they called the Silicon roundabout which is the old street roundabout Shoreditch that area yeah amazing things happening there. And I just that's a sort of zoom in if you like and some of the other stuff this was again BNP Paribas the webinar that I was on you know it's the largest tech hub in Europe. So anyone that's sitting there going ugh but financial or you know HSBC has moved their head office up to Birmingham, you know it's tragic for this, it's crap. London has just gone in its stride and gone bugger off up there. We'll find somebody else, we'll find a new tech and guess what financial services now are getting taken over by AI. It's getting taken over by tech and they are being ruled by the big seven companies. I love it seven companies, you know Google, Facebook, Tencent, Alibaba, Amazon anyway the big guys because of the presence of data. Now big data is where it's at and guess what London is the centre of that so anyone that's saying London isn't it you know on your bike because you don't understand what is going on. Guys the future's bright for London and this is the great thing. Go to Manchester have a look and guess what it is an amazing tech hub as well. Go to Birmingham, look what they're doing there you know amazing things. These are becoming modern cities. Modern cities of the future you know they have visions they have you know look for what all London is it's very hard to change London because it has that character and it's you know hundreds of years old character and old buildings and things like that walk into some of those old buildings and what do you find you know you find gigabit you know internet all the way through, wireless you know even they've got thick you know cement walls and things like that you know they are modern day buildings of the future and becoming more so as they get renovated. Above all will mean that that market increases and guess what Manchester, Birmingham to a lesser degree Liverpool. Liverpool's a bit of a different story. Liverpool is more like there's huge opportunity there and there still is huge opportunity and there will be a huge opportunity so anyone says oh no that's no good you know we can't do that.