Buy-to-let attractive to new landlords – 17 Feb 2011 – by John Fitzsimons
Guest blogger Alex Hammond, of specialist lender Kensington, brings investment news why the buy-to-let market looks attractive to new landlords, so long as they take a long-term approach.
Things are looking up for buy-to-let. Recent figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) show the market grew by 7% in 2010, while the total number of loans advanced was 102,000 – 10% higher than in 2009.
And 2011 has got off to an encouraging start with new products coming into the market, providing fresh opportunity for landlords to expand, or indeed start to build, their portfolios. So, with the CML saying it expects strong rental demand to remain throughout the year and demographic trends pointing to growth beyond this, is now the right time to invest in buy-to-let?
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