Investment News - Recovery Special
This week's investment news is week 3 of the 5 week Recovery Special and this week it's another lesson in economics. First off, we'll take a look at how quantitative easing is getting the wheels of the economy turning again, and how £75 billion is being spent to do it.
Then I'll be taking you back to school for an introduction to the economics of supply and demand. Prepare for flashbacks of high school as I use the supply and demand curve to explain the mechanics behind what's really happening and show you what this means for the property cycle. We'll look at the opportunities for property investors and what strategies you can use to use to adapt to supply and demand fluctuations. You'll learn why property always booms after a recession and why being an 'early adopter' will allow you to take full advantage of the massive current opportunities.
Finally we'll finish off by looking at zig-zag theory and how you can apply this now to make massive gains on investment property!
If you have any questions or want to know more then give the team a call on +44 (0)207 923 610 and they'll be happy to take you through a full explanation.
Live with Passion,
Brett Alegre-Wood