One Size Does Not Fit All
We work with all sorts of people form around the world and not all are in the UK looking for their properties. They need someone that they can trust to manage their property.
Video Transcription
Look, property is not one size fits all. We work with all sorts of people. We work with military, you know, guys that are out, you know, in Afghanistan and in wherever they are, okay around the world. Yeah, and so therefore they're not in the UK looking after their properties.
They need someone they can trust. You know, you've got doctors, nurses, medical technicians, professionals, you know, dentists, all these pharmacists, you know, all these guys who are busy with their careers their callings, if you want to call that, although I've heard recently, it is not so much of a calling. It's kind of a grind.
But anyway, I mean, they do a great job. But the bottom line is, they're focused on that. Had they got the time to focus on this. Yeah, so they may have to delegate. You know, you've got the the guys now who were the lifestyles, you know, the Gen z's, who now don't want a full time job, they don't want a job that ties them into an office. They want to be gallivanting around the world.
So they need somebody that they can trust to manage their property for them manage their portfolio for them. You've got your mom and dad's, you know, which is actually our biggest market, you know, who actually have family have careers have commitments?
Yeah, So what property is not one size fits all, you'll fit in there somewhere. You know, I mean, I'll put my photo in there in the video, because, you know, I'm like anyone else? I have a business. I have a career. Yeah.
So actually, I delegate my portfolio out. It just so happens that I own the businesses that have those portfolios that have those properties, that I'm still in exactly the same situation. I've got four kids, you know, they're in private school, but the bottom line is one size fits all.
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