Off-plan property mortgages need kid gloves As we saw in our last investment blog post, off-plan property contracts are complex documents. An experienced and competent solicitor is a must-have. So too is a good mortgage broker. The right off-plan property ...
When businesses and people love a city, property investors should, too When I first started investing in property, it was because it made such good sense to do so. Control over your investment, great rental income, fantastic capital gains and ...
Connectivity is key for investment potential Cities depend on their transport routes to reach their potential. If a city is gridlocked, it will eventually die. But when a city is designed to enable the flow of traffic and people, it ...
5 reasons to invest in property in Newcastle Newcastle. One of the UK’s major cities. A core city, essential to the success of the Northern Powerhouse. It’s a city positioned for 21st century success, with incredible retail and education supporting ...
Advice to help you structure finances ahead of investment An investment property is a high-value purchase, and not many people have the funds available to buy in cash. Therefore, the majority of property investors buy property with the aid of ...
Tips to profit as a property investor from day one In property investment, there isn’t a mistake that hasn’t already been made. Most are made by beginner investors, who haven’t yet gained the experience to avoid them. It’s these mistakes ...
Building confidence for your first property investment Property investment could be a life-changing strategy. A simple property investment strategy could help you retire early. You’ve heard of the property millionaires. Every one of them started as a beginner investor. That ...

'One Great Property Idea' Property Masterclass
How Property Investors With No Time Can Invest In New Build Property To Experience Quick Growth, Easy Rentals, Minimal Maintenance Using a Regeneration Strategy Even in 2024.
1230pm London GMT
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