Investment News - The necessity of recovery: Squeezing income and falling unemployment
Welcome to this week's property investment news. George Osborne from the Conservative party spoke up about the necessity of recovery in a speech at the British Museum. He said the Tories would "rebuild" the economy on "more solid foundations". Find out what he said in his speech and why the important details have been missed out.
NIESR warns of squeeze on disposable income, increase in unemployment and falling house prices, pretty much all negative. But what are the reasons behind these necessity of recovery?
Lenders tell us the mortgage market has self corrected, they've cleaned up their act and there's no going back to "liar loans". Good news for property investment?
Finally, I'm really excited about the changes to our property guarantees. We're so confident with our letting team that we've extended our rental guarantee to 2 years. More details in the video and on Brett's latest blog.
As always, if you have any questions on the necessity of recovery or want to know more then give the team a call on +44 (0)207 923 6100 or
Live with passion
Brett Alegre-Wood