Video Transcription:Brett:Welcome to Property Rant. So today I've got the privilege of being here with Jim Kirby. So Jim's been one of our clients since about 2005-Jim:Five or six.Brett:Five or six, yeah. And so that's 14, 15 years, 16 years ...
Where else could you achieve these huge benefits? Property investment in the UK is still attractive, despite the headwinds of higher stamp duties on investment properties, a tougher borrowing environment, and changes to the tax relief on buy-to-let mortgages and ...
Village, high-yield, or inner city? A new client, Scott, spoke to me a week or so ago and asked about property as a retirement income generator. He’d been told by his financial advisor that an annuity would provide the best ...
How a property investor just retired at 28 years old Yep, you read that right. I’ve just read a story about a young guy who has retired from his day job, thanks to his investment property portfolio. While he lives ...
The 3+1 Plan in action as a retirement income planIf you’re like most people in the UK today, your retirement income options will be limited. According to a poll of 100 MPs in 2014, almost 20% believe that the state ...
How to get the best mortgage deal when you own multiple properties Investment property is a great asset to build wealth and passive income. Sure, property prices fluctuate through the property and economic trend cycle, but in the UK they ...
If you want to retire early, here’s how property can help An investor recently asked me why I thought residential property investment was a better retirement vehicle than the stock market. He had been speaking to a financial advisor, who ...

'One Great Property Idea' Property Masterclass
How Property Investors With No Time Can Invest In New Build Property To Experience Quick Growth, Easy Rentals, Minimal Maintenance Using a Regeneration Strategy Even in 2024.
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