House prices increase with consumer confidence,
Welcome to this week's property investment news : apologies for missing last week but it's been busy times for us as I'll tell you in the video on consumer confidence…
First up, the government says bank mergers are the answer but will the resulting drop in competition be devastating for investors? I'll give you my opinion and tell you why ‘the fringes' of the mortgage market may now be the answer for property investors.
Next we'll take a look at two important indicators of recovery – consumer spending is on the mend so confidence is returning to the market. House prices are also telling the same story as we hit our fourth month running of increased property prices.
You'll see proof that house prices have bottomed out and we'll take a look at the supply and demand pressures which mean we should see the lower end of the market improving in the near future.
Finally: Salesmanship vs. Good Solid Fundamentals. How knowing the difference can save you from making a shoddy investment!
Sick of your Property agent not responding, or truly managing the changes in the market going on right now then give us a call 01522503717 or
Live with Passion,
Brett Alegre-Wood