UK Property Market: The Old Age Dilemma
UK Property Market: buying a house or buying a flat? When should I buy? Which one should I buy? Where should I buy all these questions needs to be addressed before taking the plunge.
UK Property Market: Houses or Flats the age old dilemma which should you buy and when should you buy which, let's take a look.
UK property market, houses but not flats. The UK property market mini boom for houses, yes - but not flats. The amazing thing when I read this was WHAT? Hold on what’s this about? “Demand for apartments is sluggish with fewer first-time buyers and the pandemic fuelling a search for space. You know it’s this race for space thing again, which okay great but then you look at the detail again, read the actual article it says “Houses in Hertfordshire are getting snapped up very quickly and we naively thought our flat would sell easily too” great in Hertfordshire most of the stuff are not necessarily flats it’s much more of a houses market and the question is did she price it well, there are so many other questions like that.
This is one of the problems I have with the news and why, in fact I started doing these things in 2006 so that was 14 years ago, because I was frustrated with the headlines back in 2006 which when you think about it 2006, 2007, 2008 we had the recession. We started building up and building up. It's amazing to have done this sort of thing now for 14 years, we started and stopped but now we are sort of back in every week again, you know you’ve got to watch the headlines. You can’t just read the headlines you have to go further than that.

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It's a very different market in Scotland, it's a smaller market. There's some fundamental changes namely oil and gas with all the issues there and that I know Aberdeen and a few of those places house prices have dropped considerably. So, it
What would be your most valuable advice for a newbie property investor?
My most valuable advice, I think actually I probably should have left that one until we went to the young, talking about the young and low income people.
What would be the most valuable advice, is learn what you can right now because you are living through, effectively a recession. And it’s very easy to do property when everything is going well but the problem is you create an ego where you think you may do one transaction and make money out of that. The problem I have is when you make money on your first deal and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t.
The biggest thing is living through a recession now, learn from it, watch what people are predicting and track and see if it actually comes true and what happens with it. And I think the big thing here is that a lot of people when times are good they buy a property and they do well and they think right, I know how to do property and then what happens, they don’t account for recession, they don’t account for interest rate rises, they don’t account for all different types of legislation changes and what ends up happening is effectively you end up with this arrogance and when you go into recession you get your ass kicked.
My biggest thing would be get educated, really get out there and learn as much as possible. But don’t be afraid of taking a risk now and buying a property and getting involved. The key is you get to view it for the long term if you're only in it for a short term then now is not the time to necessarily get involved. Now is the time to get really educated, now is the time to get it all squared away and make sure you understand finance, you understand the process, you understand how to let a property and how to manage a property and do all these sorts of things. If you are not prepared to do that get a team of professionals, people that know what they are doing to help you out. Hopefully that helps and explains.
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Houses or Flats the age old dilemma which should you buy and when should you buy which, let's take a look.
Hey guys don’t forget to click the like and subscribe to my channel so you get notifications and if you can press the notification bell that would mean you will get an update straight to your inbox so you know exactly when I’m going onto livestreams. Obviously I’m doing videos on a daily basis now and you know we are really starting to get into the detail now. If you want to learn about property, if you want to learn how to do property the right way which is what I consider to be in an effortless fashion. So you get professionals doing the various things that you need and you focus on living the life that you want, the career or whatever. If you don’t have the time to go and do it yourself but you know you need to do it. Let's face it we all need to build a portfolio, we need to build a portfolio of properties in order to self fund our retirement and that is critical right now but not just self fund retirement it could also be to create the lifestyle that we want, pay for the kids education and all the things that we want to do with our lives and property can give that to you. So let’s go on a journey and I will teach you how to do all that effortlessly. Houses but not flats. The UK property market mini boom for houses, yes - but not flats. The amazing thing when I read this was WHAT? Hold on what’s this about? “Demand for apartments is sluggish with fewer first-time buyers and the pandemic fuelling a search for space. You know it’s this race for space thing again, which okay great but then you look at the detail again, read the actual article it says “Houses in Hertfordshire are getting snapped up very quickly and we naively thought our flat would sell easily too” great in Hertfordshire most of the stuff are not necessarily flats it’s much more of a houses market and the question is did she price it well, there are so many other questions like that. This is one of the problems I have with the news and why, in fact I started doing these things in 2006 so that was 14 years ago, because I was frustrated with the headlines back in 2006 which when you think about it 2006, 2007, 2008 we had the recession. We started building up and building up. It's amazing to have done this sort of thing now for 14 years, we started and stopped but now we are sort of back in every week again, you know you’ve got to watch the headlines. You can’t just read the headlines you have to go further than that.
What would be your most valuable advice for a newbie property investor?
My most valuable advice, I think actually I probably should have left that one until we went to the young, talking about the young and low income people. What would be the most valuable advice, is learn what you can right now because you are living through, effectively a recession. And it’s very easy to do property when everything is going well but the problem is you create an ego where you think you may do one transaction and make money out of that. The problem I have is when you make money on your first deal and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t.
The biggest thing is living through a recession now, learn from it, watch what people are predicting and track and see if it actually comes true and what happens with it. And I think the big thing here is that a lot of people when times are good they buy a property and they do well and they think right, I know how to do property and then what happens, they don’t account for recession, they don’t account for interest rate rises, they don’t account for all different types of legislation changes and what ends up happening is effectively you end up with this arrogance and when you go into recession you get your ass kicked. My biggest thing would be get educated, really get out there and learn as much as possible. But don’t be afraid of taking a risk now and buying a property and getting involved. The key is you get to view it for the long term if you're only in it for a short term then now is not the time to necessarily get involved. Now is the time to get really educated, now is the time to get it all squared away and make sure you understand finance, you understand the process, you understand how to let a property and how to manage a property and do all these sorts of things. If you are not prepared to do that get a team of professionals, people that know what they are doing to help you out. Hopefully that helps and explains. If there aren't any questions, I want to thank you very much. As always make sure you click the like button, subscribe. If you have any questions put them into that email and I am happy to answer them back with videos or if they are more specific in nature by all means speak to the team and they can actually go through and explain and answer whatever can give you that clarity. I want to thank you again and we’ll see you next week. Until next week, have a great day and live with passion. See you later bye guys.