Day 3:19th March 2020 -Join Brett weekdays until the middle of April for the latest updates and how they relate to property investors. Covering the 3 main models that countries are adopting to quell the virus and are we likely ...
I read an article saying it takes 10 years and 3 months to save a deposit as a first home buyer in the UK and I imagine there are the same stories running in other countries as well. BS...besides the ...
Video Transcription: Hi, guys. So welcome to this week's "Property News." So this week actually, it's quite a boring week this week. And the problem is, is every week, what I do, is I sit down, and I look at ...
Video Transcription: Hey, guys. So welcome to this week's "UK Property News." So first up, house prices are going down, and the thing I think we need to really take into account here is not the fact that they're going ...
House prices rise, rents rise, and buy-to-let mortgage rates fall If there were further proof needed that the UK is still the place to invest in property, last week’s investment news provided it: Investors who ignored the ‘expert’ predictions of ...
More buy-to-let property investors are using limited companies More buy-to-let investors are using limited companies to buy properties than ever before. According to the latest industry numbers, one in five homes in the private rented sector are now owned in ...
When property news contradicts, break it down for the truth This week’s property investment news is a perfect example of the need to analyse what has been reported. In short, the headlines read: House sales numbers are at their highest ...

'One Great Property Idea' Property Masterclass
How Property Investors With No Time Can Invest In New Build Property To Experience Quick Growth, Easy Rentals, Minimal Maintenance Using a Regeneration Strategy Even in 2024.
1230pm London GMT
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